Pack Out Forms
American Soy Products is capable of producing products into the following Tetra Pak® package formats and sizes:

Tetra Brik® Aseptic 1000 Slim with HeliCap™ (32 oz)
Tetra Prisma® Aseptic 500 Edge with DreamCap™ (16 oz)

ASP has the ability to package these designs in the following case sizes and types:
Case Size
- 12 Pack Case
- 8 Pack Case
- 6 Pack Case
- Full wrap around case
- Other possibilities
Case Type
- Full wrap around case (standard)
- Retail Ready Case (photo print)
- Display Case
- Specific Printed
Our production facility covers approximately 70,000 sq. ft. and is dedicated to production only.
Our warehousing is 110,000 sq. ft. and dedicated to finished product storage.